How to search array elements in Java using Binary Search ?

Do you want to search for an element in a array in Java using Binary Search algorithm ? . If yes , its pretty much easy to do it using the binarySearch method exposed by the Arrays class.

How to search array elements in Java using Binary Search ?

Below is an example of searching an element using Binary search from array elements in Java.

package com.abundantcode;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args)
        String[] input = {"Java", "", "MCA Lab Programs", "B.E Java Lab Programs", "BCA Java Programs"};
        // Sort the Array
        String searchString = "Java";
        // Call the Binary Search method of the Arrays class
        int result = Arrays.binarySearch(input,0, input.length-1,searchString);
