Hydra Error 135 ISAM error: tblspace does not exist.

In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “135 ISAM error: tblspace does not exist.” in Hydra and the description of the error.

Error Message

135 ISAM error: tblspace does not exist.

Error Details

The ISAM processor needs to lock a row or an index page, but no locks are available. The number of locks that an operation requires depends primarily on the number of rows that a single transaction modifies. You can reduce the number of locks that an operation needs by doing less in each transaction or by locking entire tables instead of locking rows. Depending on the implementation that you are using, the number of locks that is available is configured in one of three places: the operating-system kernel, the shared-memory segment, or the database server. Consult your database server administrator about making more locks available.

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