Hydra Error 192 ISAM error: Can not drop first chunk.
In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “192 ISAM error: Can not drop first chunk.” in Hydra and the description of the error.
Error Message
192 ISAM error: Can not drop first chunk.
Error Details
The dbspace is full. If you are adding a logical log through onparams, there is not enough space in the dbspace for a log of the size specified. This error also occurs if you attempt to create a temporary table with log (the default log setting for temporary tables) when the DBSPACETEMP variable in ONCONFIG is set to TEMP or NOTCRITICAL.
To add the logical log, either add one or more chunks to the dbspace or specify a smaller log size.
To create temporary tables, either set DBSPACETEMP to ALL or create temporary tables with no log.
Smart Disk Error.
An error has occurred with the Smart Disk system. For more information, see the accompanying message.
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