Hydra Error 384 Cannot modify non simple view.

In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “384 Cannot modify non simple view.” in Hydra and the description of the error.

Error Message

384 Cannot modify non simple view.

Error Details

This statement attempts to modify (insert, delete, or update) rows in a view which does not have an appropriate INSTEAD OF trigger defined. Starting with version 9.40, you can define an INSTEAD OF trigger on a view.
Without an INSTEAD OF trigger, this view is not modifiable because it is based on a SELECT statement that joins two or more tables or that selects calculated values or literal values. (You can DELETE from a view that selects from a single table even if some calculated values are selected.) You will have to direct the statement against the actual table(s) on which the view is based or you can define an INSTEAD OF trigger on the view to make it modifiable.

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