Tag: copy

How to perform Shallow Copy in C# ?

To perform Shallow copy in C# , you can use the this.MemberwiseClone() method. How to perform Shallow Copy in C# ? Below is a sample code snippet that contains a method ShallowCopy to make a copy of the object.

How to copy array and increase size dynamically in Java ?

Below is a sample code snippet in Java demonstrating the steps to copy the array elements to a new array and increase the size dynamically. The program using the Arrays.copyOf method which lets the developers to create new array with a new size as well as copy the content of the old array to it at the same time. How to copy array and increase…

How to copy tables from a database to another in SQL Server ?

There are times when you may want to copy the tables from one database to another along with the data or import data along with the schema in SQL Server. One of the ways to do this is using the SQL Server Import/Export Wizard. How to copy tables from a database to another in SQL Server ? 1. Launch SQL Server Import and export wizard…