Tag: Microsoft
C#.NET Interview Questions and Answers – Part 1
C#.NET Interview Questions and Answers – Part 1 1. What is an Assembly in .NET? An assembly is a unit of deployment in .NET. The assembly can either be an exe file or a dll (library). When there is an entry point for the assembly, then it’s an exe else it is a dll file. The advantage of the dll is that it can be…
List of Popular Mocking Frameworks for C# Developers
List of Popular Mocking Frameworks for C# Developers FakeItEasy JustMock Moq EasyMock.NET NMock 3 TypeMock Isolator Rhino Mocks NSubstitute
How to know what toolbar does in Microsoft PowerPoint 2013?
If you want to know what a toolbar does in Microsoft PowerPoint 2013, simply mouse over or point your point on the toolbar, a tooltip will pop up and displays the necessary information on what exactly the toolbar does. How to know what toolbar does in Microsoft PowerPoint 2013?
What is XAML?
What is XAML? XAML is a language from Microsoft which stands for eXtensible Application Markup Language. It is a declarative language used specially for defining application user interfaces. It is XML based. Each XAML tag corresponds to a class in .NET Framework and the properties represent XML attributes. Eg: <Button> </Button> The above tag represents a button that is defined in the System.Windows.Controls.Button