Tag: SIC

System Software – SIC Program to set ALPHA equal to Product of Beta and Gamma

Problem Statement Write a sequence of instructions for SIC to set ALPHA equal to the product of BETA and GAMMA. Assume that ALPHA, BETA, and GAMMA are defined as in Fig. 1.3(a). Solution Line Number(ac) Code Description 1 LDA BETA Load the value of BETA in Accumulator 2 MUL GAMMA Multiply the value of GAMMA with accumulator and the result will be stored in Accumulator…

System Software – SIC/XE Program to Write a subroutine to read a record into a buffer

Problem Statement Write a subroutine for SIC/XE that will read a record into a buffer. The record may be any length from 1 to 100 bytes. The end of record is marked with a “null” character (ASCII code 00). The subroutine should place the length of the record read into a variable named LENGTH. Use immediate addressing and register-to-register instructions to make the process as…