Tag: Winforms

How to disable editing of items in a combo box in c#?

When working in Win forms using C# and especially when you use the combo box , you would have noticed that by default the user can edit the values inside during the runtime. How to disable editing of items in a combo box in c# (win forms) ? Assuming that the combobox name is combobox1 , here the code to get this behavior.

How to force the .NET Winforms Application to run as Administrator in Windows 8?

The Winforms or the Console Application developed in .NET can be made to run in the Administrator mode once the application is installed on client machine. You can do this by setting the requestedExecutionLevel to the requireAdministrator mode in the application manifest file. How to force the .NET Winforms Application to run as Administrator in Windows 8 ? To force the .NET Winforms app to…

How to get the Computer Name in C# ?

When working on a Winforms or Console application using C# , sometimes you might need to get the computer name where the application is running. How to get the Computer Name in C# ? To retrieve the computer name , one can use the System.Environment.MachineName property as shown below.

How to Enable or Disable Visual Styles in your VB.NET Winforms Application?

You can enable or Disable the Visual Styles in your VB.NET Winforms Application by following the below steps. How to Enable or Disable Visual Styles in your VB.NET Winforms Application? 1. Launch Visual Studio 2013 and Open your VB.NET Project. 2. Right Click on the project and open the Project Properties. 3. In the Project Properties Dialog, Select the “Application” menu in the left sidebar…