What are the Different Tile templates in Windows Phone 8?
The Windows Phone 8 SDK provides the developers with the option to use one of the below tile templates in their windows phone 8 app.
1. TemplateFlip
2. TemplateCycle
3. TemplateIconic
What are the Different Tile templates in Windows Phone 8?
The TemplateFlip provides the developers to display information in the front and the back side of the tile where the tile flips front and back at random time interval.
The TemplateCycle allows the developers to add images between 1 – 9 where the images cycle through with the fixed animations.
The TemplateIconic displays an image along with the count.
The tile template that the app supports can be set in the WMAppManifest.xml file by selecting the right value from the Tile Template DropDownList.
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