Category: COBOL

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 210 File is closed with lock (Fatal) -You ha

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 210 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 210 Reason for this Error in COBOL File is closed with lock (Fatal) -You have tried to open a file which you have previously closed with lock. -Recode your program to avoid opening a file which has previously been closed with…

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 105 Memory allocation error (Fatal) -The run

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 105 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 105 Reason for this Error in COBOL Memory allocation error (Fatal) -The run-time system is unable to allocate sufficient memory space to successfully carry out the tried operation, probably because of insufficient memory space on your system. -You should obtain more…

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 117 Bad collating sequence (Fatal) -This is

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 117 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 117 Reason for this Error in COBOL Bad collating sequence (Fatal) -This is an internal system error. -Please contact Technical Support who will help you to find the cause of the error and how it can be rectified.

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 186 Attempt to open stdin, stdout or stderr

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 186 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 186 Reason for this Error in COBOL Attempt to open stdin, stdout or stderr with incorrect mode (Recoverable) -You have tried to open either a standard input file with output mode, or some other file in an incorrect mode.

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 079 COBCONFIG syntax error (Fatal) -An error

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 079 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 079 Reason for this Error in COBOL COBCONFIG syntax error (Fatal) -An error exists in the run-time configuration sidefile accessed via the environment variable COBCONFIG. -Check your syntax against your object COBOL User Guide. You might have used incorrect syntax, or…

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 214 GO TO has not been ALTERed (Fatal) -You

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 214 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 214 Reason for this Error in COBOL GO TO has not been ALTERed (Fatal) -You have violated one of the general rules of COBOL programming. -Close any files which might be open, execute a STOP RUN statement and then edit your…

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 099 Illegal operation in SORT/MERGE module (

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 099 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 099 Reason for this Error in COBOL Illegal operation in SORT/MERGE module (Fatal) -A SORT or MERGE module has received a RELEASE operation outside the Input procedure, or a RETURN operation either outside the Output procedure, or before the Input procedure…

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 207 Machine does not exist (Recoverable) -Yo

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 207 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 207 Reason for this Error in COBOL Machine does not exist (Recoverable) -You have tried to access a machine that is not connected to your network, or which is not on-line. -Make sure the machine is connected to the network and…

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 243 Class could not be loaded (Fatal) -An at

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 243 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 243 Reason for this Error in COBOL Class could not be loaded (Fatal) -An attempt to load an object class has failed because the class does not contain a valid Class-Control section, or because the class is not defined correctly. -Check…

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 106 Dictionary error (Fatal) -This could be

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 106 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 106 Reason for this Error in COBOL Dictionary error (Fatal) -This could be the result of a read or write error to file or disk, but it is more likely to be the result of an internal system error. Alternately, your…

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 022 Illegal or impossible access mode for OP

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 022 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 022 Reason for this Error in COBOL Illegal or impossible access mode for OPEN (Recoverable) -The mode in which you are trying to open a file violates the General Rule of COBOL for that type of file; for example you might…