Tag: Elastic Search

ElasticSearch – How to Interact with ElasticSearch using JSON over HTTP ?

Problem Statement You need to communicate with ElasticSearch to perform the search or the CRUD operations. Solution You can interact with ElasticSearch using the RESTful API over port 9200. Additionally , ElasticSearch has the official clients for various programming languages like .NET , Java , Ruby etc. The format of the request of ElasticSearch is as specified below. <VERB> <PROTOCOL> ://<HOST>/<PATH>?<QUERYSTRING> Additionally , it can…

ElasticSearch – How to Install ElasticSearch ?

Problem Statement You need to download , install and Elastic Search on Windows and Mac OS X machines. Solution You can download ElasticSearch which is available in various formats like Zip , Tar.gz from https://www.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch . The installation is pretty simple and infact you dont need to do  anything special to install ElasticSearch on your machine. You need to extract or uncompress the file. Note…