Tag: Elastic Search
ElasticSearch – How to Interact with ElasticSearch using JSON over HTTP ?
Problem Statement You need to communicate with ElasticSearch to perform the search or the CRUD operations. Solution You can interact with ElasticSearch using the RESTful API over port 9200. Additionally , ElasticSearch has the official clients for various programming languages like .NET , Java , Ruby etc. The format of the request of ElasticSearch is as specified below. <VERB> <PROTOCOL> ://<HOST>/<PATH>?<QUERYSTRING> Additionally , it can…
ElasticSearch – How to Install ElasticSearch ?
Problem Statement You need to download , install and Elastic Search on Windows and Mac OS X machines. Solution You can download ElasticSearch which is available in various formats like Zip , Tar.gz from https://www.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch . The installation is pretty simple and infact you dont need to do anything special to install ElasticSearch on your machine. You need to extract or uncompress the file. Note…
Elastic Search Error – JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set!
When trying to get the Elastic Search running on a Windows 10 machine , there are times when you would hit with the below problem which is related to Java. JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set! If there are any java developers out there , then it would be easier for them to identify this issue. For all those who are new to Java ,…