Tag: format
How to Format a Number for a Specific Culture in C# ?
Below is a sample code snippet demonstrating how to format the number for a specific culture in C# . In the below sample code , the german (de-DE) and US English Format is used. How to Format a Number for a Specific Culture in C# ?
How to format Number to Currency in C# ?
How to format Number to Currency in C# ? Below is a sample sourcecode that demonstrates on how to format Number to Currency in C#.
How to Format a Type with ToString () in C#?
The ToString method of a type will show the type’s name. For example , If the Object is the Employee type , then calling the ToString will display the Type Name along with the name space as shown in the below screenshot. You can override the ToString method to provide you own way to display the data when ToString is called. How to Format a…
How to format data of type double to display 2 decimal places in C# ?
You can easily format data of type double to display 2 decimal places in C# using the format specifier {0:#.##}. How to format data of type double to display 2 decimal places in C# ? Below is a sample sourcecode to demonstrate formatting data of type double to display 2 decimal places in C#