Tag: Oracle tutorial

AND Operator in Oracle

You will learn how to use the Oracle AND operator to combine two or more Boolean expressions in this article. The AND operator is a logical operator that joins two Boolean expressions together and returns true if both are true. The AND operator returns false if one of the expressions is false. The AND operator has the following syntax: expression_1 AND expression_2 To establish a…

FETCH in Oracle

You’ll learn how to utilise the Oracle FETCH clause to limit the number of rows returned by a query in this article. The LIMIT clause in some RDBMS, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, allows you to receive only a subset of the results created by a query. The LIMIT clause is used in the following query to return the top 5 products with the highest…

Oracle Database: What Is It?

This tutorial will provide you with an overview of the Oracle Database, including its features and editions. What exactly is a database? A database is a collection of structured data kept electronically in a computer system that is well-organized. When the computer was first invented, it was primarily utilised to execute computations fast in scientific research. As the computer became more widely used, the demands…

Select Distinct in Oracle

This article will show you how to query distinct data from tables using the Oracle SELECT DISTINCT statement. In a SELECT statement, the DISTINCT clause is used to filter duplicate rows from the result set. It assures that the rows returned are unique for the SELECT clause’s given column or columns. The syntax of the SELECT DISTINCT statement is shown below: The values in column…

Order By Statement in Oracle

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to sort a result set by one or more columns in ascending or descending order using the Oracle ORDER BY clause. A table in Oracle stores its rows in an indeterminate order, regardless of how they were placed into the database. You must explicitly tell Oracle Database that you wish to query rows in either ascending or descending order…

SELECT Statement in Oracle

In this post, You will learn how to query data from a single table using the Oracle SELECT command. Columns and rows make up tables in Oracle. Customer id, name, address, website, and credit limit, for example, are columns in the sample database’s customers table. The SELECT statement, with the following syntax, is used to get data from one or more columns of a table:…

How to Connect to Oracle Database?

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use SQL*plus and SQL developer tools to connect to an Oracle database server. Using SQL*Plus When you install Oracle Database Server or Client, SQLPlus is an interactive query tool that is installed automatically. SQL*Plus includes a command-line interface that allows you to connect to an Oracle Database server and run interactive statements. If you’ve dealt with MySQL or…

How to Download and Install Oracle?

This article will show you how to install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 step by step. Oracle Database Installation To install Oracle database on your PC, go to the Oracle website’s download page and download the installer. You must extract the installation files, which are in ZIP format, into a specified location on your computer after downloading them. To begin the installation procedure, double-click…

Alias in Oracle

In this article, you’ll learn how to use Oracle aliases, such as column and table aliases, to improve the readability of a query by making the heading of the result more understandable. When you query data from a table, Oracle displays the column headings using the table’s column names. The following line, for example, returns the first and last names of employees: SELECT first_name, last_name…

Dual Table in Oracle

The Oracle DUAL table, which is a particular table used for evaluating expressions or invoking functions, will be covered in this tutorial. A FROM clause is required in Oracle SELECT statements. Some queries, however, do not necessitate the use of a table, such as: SELECT UPPER(‘This is a string’) FROM what_table; You might consider building a table and utilising it in the FROM clause instead…

WHERE clause in Oracle

This article will show you how to use the Oracle WHERE clause to filter rows returned by a query by specifying a criteria. The WHERE clause specifies a search criterion for the SELECT statement’s rows returned. The syntax of the WHERE clause is demonstrated as follows: After the FROM clause, but before the ORDER BY clause, comes the WHERE clause. The search condition keyword comes…

OR Operator in Oracle

You’ll learn how to combine two or more Boolean statements with the Oracle OR operator in this article. The OR operator combines Boolean phrases and returns true if one of them is true. The syntax of the OR operator is illustrated as follows: expression_1 OR expression_2 To filter data, we frequently utilise the OR operator in the WHERE clause of the SELECT, DELETE, and UPDATE…