Tag: python conditional statements

continue statement in Python

This tutorial will teach you about the Python continue statement and how to use it to control the loop. Within a for loop or a while loop, the continue statement is used. The continue statement terminates the current iteration and begins the next. When a condition is True, you typically use the continue statement in conjunction with an if statement to skip the current iteration….

if statement in Python

You’ll learn how to utilise the Python if statement to run a block of code based on a condition in this article. The if statement is used to execute a block of code based on a condition. The if statement has the following syntax: The condition is checked first by the if statement. If the condition evaluates to True, the if-block statements are executed. Otherwise,…

for Loop with Range in Python

This article will teach you how to use the Python for loop to execute a code block a set number of times. In programming, it’s common to wish to run a block of code several times. A for loop is used to accomplish this. The syntax of a for loop is illustrated below: The index is referred to as a loop counter in this form….

Ternary Operator in Python

This tutorial will teach you about the Python ternary operator and how to use it to make your code more concise. The following program asks for your age and then calculates the ticket price: Here’s what happens if you type 18: If the age is more than or equal to 18, the following if…else line assigns 20 to the ticket price. Otherwise, the ticket price…

break statement in Python

This tutorial will teach you how to use the Python break statement to exit a loop prematurely. You may want to end a for loop or a while loop early regardless of the results of the conditional tests. In these cases, the break statement can be useful: To end a loop when a condition is True, you typically use the break statement in conjunction with…

pass statement in Python

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the Python pass statement as a placeholder. Consider the following if/else condition: You don’t have any code in the else clause yet. This else clause, however, will be coded later. If you run the code in this situation, you’ll get a syntax error (SyntaxError). The Python pass statement is useful in this situation: The statement pass has…

while loop in Python

This tutorial will teach you how to utilise the Python while statement to run a code block as long as a condition is true. While in Python, if a condition is True, you can run a code block repeatedly. The Python while statement is shown in the following syntax: The condition is a boolean expression that returns True or False when evaluated. At the start…