Tag: tutorials

FSharp Interactive Commands

FSharp Interactive UI includes few good number of commands which can be used by the F# Developers . Below are some of the FSI Commands which can be used by the developers. FSharp Interactive Commands Cancel Interactive Evaluation – This option cancels the execution of the FSI . Reset Interactive Session – This option resets the execution of the current FSI . Cut – This…

C Program to find the Factorial of a Given Number

Problem Write a program in C programming language to find the factorial of a given number and display it on the screen. How to find the factorial of a Number in C? The factorial of a number is generally specified as follows N! = 1*2*3*4… N This applies only for the positive number. The factorial of 0 is considered to be 1. Here’s a program…

How to Concatenate Strings in C# using LINQ?

Assume that you have an array/List of string which needs to be concatenated. One can concatenate strings using + operator, StringBuilder etc. . . . How about concatenating strings using LINQ? Below is a sample source code that demonstrates how to concatenate strings in C# using LINQ? How to Concatenate Strings in C# using LINQ?

C program to reverse a number

Problem Write a program in C to display the reverse of a number. The below program takes the input from the user in the form of an integer number and uses the while loop until the number becomes o. How to reverse a number in C ? Output Abundantcode.com coding sample Enter a number: 786543 Reverse Number = 345687

Difference between Html.EditorFor and Html.TextboxFor in ASP.NET MVC?

If you are working on Web Application development using ASP.NET MVC, you would come across the Html.EditorFor and Html.TextboxFor in the Razor View. What is the Difference between Html.EditorFor and Html.TextboxFor in ASP.NET MVC? The Html.TextboxFor creates a textbox with the input type of text. It will always render the input textbox. The EditorFor is a kind of smart helper method. This will render the…

Java Program to display "Hello, World!"

Problem Write a program in Java to display “Hello, World!” on the screen. Java Program to display “Hello, World!” in Console Window. This is a simple Java program that displays “Hello, World!” on the console window. Output Hello, World!

Windows Phone Tutorials

The Windows Phone tutorials section in Abundantcode.com will help the developers to know about Windows Phone development and get started with the App development. The Windows Phone tutorials section will include step by step tutorials, How to, tips, tricks etc. on the Windows Phone App development. These Windows Phone tutorials will be useful for anyone who are new or experienced Windows Phone developers.

C Program to display half-pyramid using alphabets

Problem Write a program in C to print half-pyramid using alphabets as shown below.The program should take the number of rows as input. A B B C C C D D D D How to create and display half-pyramid pattern in C using alphabets ? Output Abundantcode.com Coding samples Enter the limit : 4 A BB CCC DDDD

C Program to find GCD of two numbers

Problem Write a program in C to find the GCD of two numbers. How to find the GCD of two numbers in C ? GCD of two numbers refers to the largest integer value that can exactly divide both the number where the remainder is zero. Here’s a program in C demonstrating this. Output Abundantcode.com Coding Sample                                              Enter first Number: 24                                                Enter second Number: 18                                              …

Json.NET & Oxygene – How to Serialize a Collection?

Do you want to serialize an collection in your Remobjects Oxygene.NET application?. Json.NET supports this functionality with ease. The Collection can be an Array , Dictionary or List. You need to simply pass collection to the JsonConvert.SerializeObject static method which would serialize the collection and return you the Json string. How to Serialize a Collection in Oxygene.NET using Json.NET library ? For example , assume…

Implicit Type Inference in C#

There are times when you want to declare a variable and assign a value to it even without having to figure out what the data type of the variable is . In C# , the var keyword provides the type inference feature where the compiler decides what type the local variable is . Below is a sample code snippet demonstrating the Implicit Type Inference in…

C Program to display full pyramid using *

Problem Write a program in C to print full pyramid using * as shown below.The program should take the number of rows as input.         *       * * *     * * * * *   * * * * * * * How to create and  display full pyramid pattern in C using * ? Output Abundantcode.com Coding samples Enter the limit: 4…

C Program to check if a Number is Positive or Negative

Problem Write a program in C to check whether a input number is a positive or negative number. How to check if a number is positive or negative in C ? Output Abundantcode.com coding samples                                                  Enter a number: 7                                                      The entered number is a positive number.

For loop in Java

The for loop in java lets the developers to iterate over a list of values . The for loop executes until the exit condition matches . Following the syntax of the for loop in java for (initialization; condition;increment){statement(s)} The initialization expression is used to initialize the loop and is executed as soon as the loop begins. The termination condition is verified every time and the…

While Loop example in Java

The while loop in java lets the developers execute a block of statements continuously until a particular condition is true . The syntax of the while loop in java can be written as while(expression){statement(s)} The while loop evaluates the expression which returns true and executes until the expression returns false. While Loop example in Java Below is a sample code snippet demonstrating the usage of…