Tag: tutorials

C Program to check if a input number is a prime number or not

Problem Write a program in C to check whether a number is a prime number or not. How to find if a number is a prime number in C ? A Prime Number is a number that is divisible by 1 and by itself. Some of the examples of the prime number are 2 , 3 , 5 etc. Here’s a program in C demonstrating…

C Program to Swap two Numbers

Problem Write a program in C language to swap two numbers using a temporary variable and display the result in the screen. How to Swap two numbers in C using a temporary variable? Output Abundantcode – Swap two numbers using temporary variable   Enter First Number: 1                                Enter Second Number: 7                                  FirstNumber = 7.00                                   SecondNumber = 1.00

VB.NET Program to add two integers

Problem Write a program in VB.NET to add two integers and display the result on the screen. VB.NET Program to add two integers Output Enter the first number : 1 Enter the second number : 2 The sum of two numbers is:3

Creating Areas in ASP.NET MVC Application

The ASP.NET MVC Framework has the concept of “Areas” which allows the developers to organize the functional module of the web application. For Example, the modules like administration, student’s data, exam/test, results can be each area in the Application. The Area in the ASP.NET MVC project has a folder structure which includes controllers, views, Models etc. and allows the developers to keep them separate from…

C Program to count the number of digits in an Integer

Problem Write a program in C to cound the number of digits in an integer that was entered by the user. How to count the number of digits in an integer in turbo C ? Output Abundantcode.com Coding sample                                                   Enter an integer: 50102                                                Number of digits: 5

Use of var keyword in C#

The var keyword in C# was introduced from C# 3.0 and it beings in the feature of local type inference or implicit type variable in C#. LINQ is one of the case where var keyword can be widely used in C#. Eg: In the above example, the initialization of the name was done using “string” and hence name will be implicitly treated as string. Note…

C# Program to add two integers

Problem Write a program in C# to add two integers and display the result on the screen. C# Program to add two integers Output Enter the first number1 Enter the second number2 result 3

Convert.ChangeType Method in C#

The .NET Framework has the Convert.ChangeType Method which converts the object specified to the conversion type. The value should implement the IConvertible interface for the conversion to be successful. Convert.ChangeType Method in C# Below is a simple code snippet demonstrating Convert.ChangeType Method in C#

C Program to check if a number is odd or even

Problem Write a program in C language to check whether a given number is even or odd. How to check if a Number is Odd or Even in C ? An integer that is divisible by 2 is an even number and that is not divisible by 2 is an odd number. Example of even number is 2 , 4, 12 etc. Example of an…

C Program to Swap two Numbers without using temporary variable

Problem Write a program in C language to swap two numbers without using temporary variable and display the result in the screen. How to Swap two numbers in C without using temporary variable? Output Abundantcode – Swap two numbers without using temporary variable  Enter First Number: 1                                Enter Second Number: 7                                  FirstNumber = 7.00                                   SecondNumber = 1.00

Developing a Java program – Hello World

There are lot of IDE options for the developers to create a java application . In this article , we will use Jet brains IntelliJ IDEA Community edition of the IDE to develop the Java console application. Developing Java program in IntelliJ IDEA 1. Download and install Jet brains IntelliJ IDEA Community edition . Make sure you have the Java (JDK) installed on your PC…

How to get the Machine Name from a .NET Application using C# ?

You can use the MachineName property defined in the System.Environment class in order to get the Machine Name from your .NET Application. How to get the Machine Name from a .NET Application using C# ? Here’s a code sample demonstrating how to do it. This should display the machine name. The output of the program would be The Machine Name is Abundantcode-LT

How to run the Universal App outside Visual Studio in Windows 10 ?

The Windows Store App built using the Universal App template in Visual Studio 2013 produces the .exe file which is available in the bin folder but when you double click on this exe folder , you will get an error message stating that “This application can only run in the context of an app container.” How to run the Universal App outside Visual Studio in…