Tag: Universal App
How to Detect the Current device in Universal App ?
To detect the current device platform in the Windows Universal App , the developers can use the predefined ifdirectives WINDOWS_PHONE_APP and WINDOWS_APP . How to Detect the Current device in Universal App ? Eg : #if WINDOWS_PHONE_APP // wp8.1 #elseif WINDOWS_APP // windows 8.1 #endif
Getting the Account Display Name in Windows 10 Apps using JavaScript
Below is a sample JavaScript code snippet demonstrating how to get the account display name from the Windows 10 Universal Windows Platform App using WinJS. How to Get the Account Display Name in Windows 10 Apps using JavaScript ?
Application Tab in the Package Manifest file in Universal App
The Application tab in the package manifest file in the universal app lets the developers to set some of the application related information like name , description , default language etc. You can even restrict the preferred orientation of your app in this tab by selected one of the below options Landscape Portrait Landscape-flipped Portrait-flipped For a Windows Store App , you could set the…
Visual Assets Tab in Package Manifest file
The Visual Assets tab in the package manifest file lets the developers set the characteristics of the application’s title , splash screen and the images used within the application for various scenario. You will be able to specify the splash screen for your Windows Phone and Windows Store separately because the dimensions are different for phone and the tablet app. The Splash screen for the…
Different Tabs in the Package Manifest file in Universal App
The package manifest file in the Windows Store App and Windows Phone app (universal app) lets the developers to describe some of the key information about the application like the name , necessary device capabilities that the app can use and the requirements for the device to install the app etc. The name of the file would generally be Package.appxmanifest. Different Tabs in the Package…
How to allow user to review apps within Windows Phone 8.1 Universal Apps ?
If you want to integrate the option for the user to rate and review within the app , you can use the LaunchUriAsync method to do it. Below is a sample code snippet that demonstrates how to do it. How to allow user to review apps within Windows Phone 8.1 Universal Apps ?
How to Get the Device Platform in Windows 10 App ?
If you running your App on Windows 10 , you might want to get the device platform from your app for some reasons. If this is the case , you can use the DeviceFamily property defined in the Windows.System.Profile.AnalyticsInfo.VersionInfo class. Below is the sample code snippet demonstrating the usage of this. How to Get the Device Platform in Windows 10 App ? The complete codebehind…
How to run the Universal App outside Visual Studio in Windows 10 ?
The Windows Store App built using the Universal App template in Visual Studio 2013 produces the .exe file which is available in the bin folder but when you double click on this exe folder , you will get an error message stating that “This application can only run in the context of an app container.” How to run the Universal App outside Visual Studio in…
How to Change the Start-up Project in Universal App ?
When launching the universal app from Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 , you can decide to run either the Windows Phone 8.1 project or Windows Store 8.1 app . How to Change the Start-up Project in Universal App ? To change the start-up project in Universal App when launching the app locally on Windows 8.1 PC , click the dropdown button that displays “Local Machine” and…