Category: C
C Program to find the G.C.D of a number using Recursive function
Problem Write a program in C to find the find the G.C.D of a number using recursion and display the result. How to find the G.C.D of a number using recursion in C ? Output Coding samples Enter the first number: 8 Enter the second number: 4 G.C.D of 8 and 4 is 4.
C Program to display the characters from A to Z
Problem Write a program in C to display all the characters from A to Z using Loop constructs. How to display Characters from A to Z using C Programming Language ? Output programming sample A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
C Program to compute Quotient and Remainder
Problem Write a program in C to calculate the quotient and remainder and display it on the screen. How to compute quotient and remainder in C ? Output Enter dividend: 8 Enter divisor: 3 Quotient = 2 Remainder = 2
C Program to display Prime Numbers between two numbers
Problem Write a program in C to display all the prime numbers between a range of 2 numbers. How to display prime numbers between a range of 2 numbers in C ? Output coding sample Enter Lower limit :5 Enter Upper limit :20 Prime numbers between 5 and 20 : 5 7 11 13 17 19
C Program to calculate AREA of rectangle
Problem Write a C Program to calculate AREA of rectangle. Solution The source code for calculating the AREA of a rectangle in C is provided below.
C Program to Find the Roots of a Quadratic Equation
This post explains how to find the roots of a Quadratic Equation using the C programming language. Let’s get started.
C Program to convert decimal number to binary
Problem Write a program in C to convert a decimal number to binary number How to convert a decimal number to binary number in C ? Output Coding samples Enter a decimal number: 10 1010
C Program to generate multiplication table
Problem Write a program in C to generate a multiplication table of a number entered by the user. How to generate a multiplication table for a input number in C ? Here’s a program that takes an input from the user and generates a multiplication table for it up to 10. Output’s Coding sample Enter a Number: 12 12 * 1 = 12 12…
C Program to copy the content of file to another
Problem Statement Write a program in C to copy the content of one file to another. How to copy the content of the file to another using C ?
C Program to Display Prime Numbers Between Two Intervals
This post helps us to display prime numbers between two intervals using C programming.
C Program to Find the Largest Number from the 3 Input Numbers
Problem Write a program in C language that accepts 3 numbers as inputs and finds the largest among them and displays it on the screen. How find the largest number among the three input numbers in C language ? Output Coding samples Enter number1 : 87 Enter number2 : 54 Enter number3 : 23 87 is the largest number.
C Program to check if a number is Palindrome or not
Problem Write a program in C to check whether a given number is a palindrome or not. How to find if the number is a palindrome or not in C ? A palindrome is a number where the reverse of a number is equal to the original number. Here’s a program in C demonstrating how to do it. Output coding sample Enter a number:…
C Program to sort the numbers in descending order
Problem Statement Write a program in C to sort the given numbers in descending order. How to sort the number in descending order in C ?
C Program to Find ASCII Value of a Character
This post helps to find ASCII value for a character using the C programming language. Let’s start looking at the source code.
C Program to find the size of primitive datatypes
Problem Write a program in C to find and display the size of the primitive datatypes likes int , float , double and char using the sizeof function. How to find the size of primitive datatypes in C? Output Size of int: 4 bytes Size of float: 4 bytes Size of double: 8 bytes Size of char: 1 byte
C Program to Multiply two Floating Point Numbers
This post shows how to multiple two floating point numbers using C programming language. So let’s go through the program.
C Program to delete an element from an array
This post explains the deletion of an element from an array using the C programming language.
C Program to find the Sum of natural numbers
Problem Write a program in C to find the sum of natural numbers using recursive function. How to find the sum of natural numbers using recursion in C ? Output Coding samples Enter the limit : 5 Result = 15
C Program to Convert Octal Number to Decimal and vice-versa
This post explains the conversion of octal number to decimal number and vice-versa using the C programming language.
C Program to Find Transpose of a Matrix
This post explains to find tanspose of a matrix using the C programming language.